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Click here for the original auction deals...
The text of the auction was this:
Brand New Item These things are strange - apparently they use software and two NICs to provide redundant service should one or other of the cards fail. They are 10 Mbit ISA NICs, and (to quote the manual) "have identical serial numbers and should not be parted" The cards have different MAC addresses though, so I don't know what this is about. I have not used these myself. Package contains two 10 Mbit ISA NICs, based on the Realtek 8019 chipset. Drivers for NT and windows 95 and win3.1 are on the provided floppy disk. Could be good for a play. Price is for a pair, and there are four pairs available.
The start and reserve prices were $2.
Now remember the auction had this photo attached too
The bidding went like this:
Bid history The reserve price was: $2.00 amount date time bidder $2.00 10 Jul 9:30 am raulcena (14 ) (
Question asked:
Comments on this auction if i win could i pick up on july 24th? posted by: raulcena (14 ) 9:23 pm, Sun 10 Jul Certainly. Thank you for asking first.
After a couple of emails Matthew responds with this charming communication:
oh hi, see i aint making a toll call for thsee little $2 items m ate, to me it sorta defeats the purpose of buying them in the first place.i'lll tell u wat, shove them fair up your ass!!!!! >From: criggie >To: >Subject: Re: Trade Me -- Sold with reserve met. Auction: 30684853 Macromate redundant NICs >Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 20:32:10 +1200 (NZST) > > > Item: Macromate redundant NICs (listing reference: 30684853) > > Sale Price: $2.00 > > Shipping: +$3 courier nationally, or free pickup for cash > > > Buyer: raulcena ( > >Sir - please do me the favour of a response. Either you want to go >through with this sale, or I'll have to take things to the next step. > >You have till noon on Monday 1 August 2005 to respond. You've had ten >days already since the auction closed.
Initated complaint process on 1 August 2005.
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This file last modified Friday July 14, 2017
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