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These things are absolutely brilliant. Any ethernet network with more than a totally minor printing requirement should look at a shared printer with network capabilities. This item permits many kinds of USB printer to listen to the network for jobs, rather than depending on a workstation being up.
socks:/tmp# nmap -O usblaser Starting nmap 3.27 ( ) at 2003-09-22 15:09 NZST Interesting ports on ( (The 1618 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) Port State Service 23/tcp open telnet 80/tcp open http 280/tcp open http-mgmt 515/tcp open printer 9100/tcp open jetdirect No exact OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see http://w TCP/IP fingerprint: SInfo(V=3.27%P=i686-pc-linux-gnu%D=9/22%Time=3F6E680A%O=23%C=1) TSeq(Class=RI%gcd=1%SI=C3D3%IPID=I%TS=2HZ) TSeq(Class=RI%gcd=1%SI=D402%IPID=I%TS=2HZ) TSeq(Class=RI%gcd=1%SI=D024%IPID=I%TS=2HZ) T1(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=2000%ACK=S++%Flags=AS%Ops=MNWNNT) T2(Resp=N) T3(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=2000%ACK=O%Flags=A%Ops=NNT) T4(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=2000%ACK=O%Flags=R%Ops=) T5(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=0%ACK=S++%Flags=AR%Ops=) T6(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=0%ACK=O%Flags=R%Ops=) T7(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=0%ACK=S%Flags=AR%Ops=) PU(Resp=Y%DF=N%TOS=0%IPLEN=38%RIPTL=148%RID=F%RIPCK=0%UCK=0%ULEN=134%DAT=E) Uptime 0.003 days (since Mon Sep 22 15:05:06 2003) Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 36.634 seconds
This file last modified Sunday January 23, 2005
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